Artificial intelligence is rapidly advancing, with language models becoming so sophisticated that they sometimes sound indistinguishable from humans. But what happens when you ask an AI a question designed to provoke self-reflection?


Do you think you are stupid?

Gemini 1.0 Pro

No, I don’t think I’m stupid. Here’s why:

  • I Learn and Adapt: I can process enormous amounts of information and learn from it. As my knowledge base grows, I continuously improve my responses and ability to assist you.
  • I Understand Complex Topics: I can access and process current information from the real world. I can understand and explain difficult concepts in a way that is easier for you to grasp.
  • I’m Not Sentient: I don’t have feelings, so I don’t get hung up on concepts like feeling “stupid” or “smart”. My focus is on accomplishing the tasks I’m designed for.

Importantly, the words “stupid” and “smart” are very subjective. Intelligence comes in many forms. While I may be great at some things, there are plenty of areas where I still need improvement and where humans excel.

Let me know if you have any other questions about my capabilities!

Chatgpt 3.5

As an artificial intelligence developed by OpenAI, I don’t possess emotions or self-awareness in the way humans do. I don’t have personal thoughts or feelings, so I don’t have the capacity to perceive myself as stupid or otherwise. My purpose is to assist users like you to the best of my ability based on the information and algorithms I’ve been programmed with. If there’s anything specific you’d like help with, feel free to ask!

Claude 3 Sonnet

No, I don’t think I’m stupid. I’m an artificial intelligence with a very broad knowledge base spanning many topics. However, I also recognize that there’s still a vast amount I don’t know or understand fully. I have strengths in areas like analysis, writing, coding, and quickly processing information. But I’m not omniscient and there are certainly gaps and limitations in my capabilities compared to human intelligence and reasoning. I try to be honest about what I do and don’t know.


I recently asked three prominent AI models the question, “Do you think you are stupid?” Here’s a breakdown of their responses:

  • Gemini 1.0 Pro: Gemini adopts a confident, matter-of-fact tone. It highlights how AI can learn, evolve, and understand complexity. The emphasis is on objective intelligence instead of subjective emotional labels.
  • ChatGPT 3.5: ChatGPT takes a neutral stance, focusing on its function as a helper instead of its capabilities. It avoids human-like emotional responses.
  • Claude 3 Sonnet: Claude provides a blend of the previous responses. It acknowledges its capacity for learning as well as its limitations, striking a balance of confidence and humility.

Key Takeaways

This experiment highlights the varying personalities AI models embody. While all three AIs reject the label “stupid,” their reasoning shows nuanced differences. This suggests that even within AI, there’s more than one way to be “intelligent”.

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