Xur, the mysterious arms dealer in Destiny 2, has returned for another weekend of shopping. This week, he’s offering a variety of Exotic gear, including armor and weapons, as well as some useful items to help you farm for Strange Coins.
To find Xur, spawn in at the Tower and head down the stairs past Banshee-44. Follow the corridor and turn right down the nearby alleyway, and you’ll find Xur in his dedicated alcove.
Xur has a variety of Exotic gear available this week, including:
Xur, the mysterious arms dealer in Destiny 2, has returned for another weekend of shopping. This week, he’s offering a variety of Exotic gear, including armor and weapons, as well as some useful items to help you farm for Strange Coins.
To find Xur, spawn in at the Tower and head down the stairs past Banshee-44. Follow the corridor and turn right down the nearby alleyway, and you’ll find Xur in his dedicated alcove.
Xur has a variety of Exotic gear available this week, including: