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US Teens Embracing Generative AI Faster Than Parents

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US Teens Embracing Generative AI Faster Than Parents

A recent survey has revealed that high schoolers in the United States are rapidly adopting generative AI tools, leaving educators and parents struggling to keep up. The survey, conducted by Common Sense Media, analyzed responses from US parents and high schoolers between March and May 2024 to assess the scale and contours of AI adoption among teenagers.

Teenagers’ Use of Generative AI Tools

The survey found that seven in 10 teenagers in the United States have used generative AI tools. The most common AI tools used by teenagers include text generators and chatbots like ChatGPT and Gemini, as well as search engines with AI-generated results, image generators like DALL-E, and video generators.

Reasons for Using Generative AI

The most common reasons for using AI among teenagers include:

  • School-related tasks, primarily for homework help and brainstorming ideas
  • Boredom
  • Translating content from one language to another
  • Joking around with friends
  • Challenges in Educational Institutions

    The survey results highlight the challenges faced by educational institutions in addressing the use of generative AI tools. Many schools lack clear rules and guidelines for AI use, leading to confusion among teachers and students. Furthermore, many parents are unaware of their child’s use of generative AI tools, with only a small percentage of parents having discussed AI with their kids.

    Importance of Educator Guidance

    The survey emphasizes the importance of educators guiding students in their use of generative AI tools. When teachers had conversations with their students about AI use, it tended to shape how the kids viewed the technology, making them more likely to understand how it works and to check its accuracy.

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