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Do you know what peculiar phenomenon shares its name with a type of celestial object and involves the apparent flickering of light despite having a predictable source?

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Stars twinkle because their light bends in Earth's atmosphere. A pulsar is a rotating neutron star that emits beams of light, making it appear to pulse.

Twinkling stars aren’t actually flickering. Their light bends as it passes through Earth’s atmosphere causing the illusion of twinkling.

This atmospheric phenomenon shares its name with a special type of celestial object called a “pulsar”. Pulsars are highly magnetized, rotating neutron stars that emit beams of electromagnetic radiation. These beams sweep across space like a lighthouse, appearing to pulse on and off from our perspective on Earth.

Do you know what peculiar phenomenon shares its name with a type of celestial object and involves the apparent flickering of light despite having a predictable source?

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