The latest Snapdragon chips from Qualcomm have made Windows on Arm a viable platform. With over half a dozen laptops tested, even the least powerful chip has matched Intel and last-gen AMD on CPU performance and beaten them on battery life. But how does the high-end model, the Snapdragon X Elite X1E-84-100, perform in the Samsung Galaxy Book4 Edge?
The Galaxy Book4 Edge is Samsung’s thinnest and lightest 16-inch laptop, designed for everyday web browsing, business- and creative-focused work, and running Windows Copilot Plus AI apps. It features an AMOLED display, fingerprint reader, faster ports, and faster Wi-Fi. However, despite being powered by the fastest Snapdragon processor, the laptop is underpowered to achieve the thinnest chassis possible.
* **Fastest Snapdragon processor**: The X1E-84-100 chip is up to 20 percent faster than the next model down.
* **Underpowered**: Despite its capabilities, the chip is underutilized to achieve a thin chassis.
* **AMOLED display**: Provides vibrant colors and crisp visuals.
* **Fingerprint reader**: Offers convenient biometric security.
* **Faster ports and Wi-Fi**: Enables faster data transfer and connectivity.
The Galaxy Book4 Edge is a good laptop, but it doesn’t fully utilize the potential of the X1E-84-100 chip. Unless you’re looking for the absolute thinnest laptop, you may not need to spend the extra cash on this model. Consider other options that offer similar performance at a lower price point.