The Penguin, an upcoming HBO series, presents a unique opportunity to delve into the mind of Oswald “Oz” Cobblepott, Batman’s infamous adversary. While Oz may not be the strongest or most dangerous villain, his intellect and ruthlessness have taken him far in the Gotham City underworld.
The series, starring Colin Farrell as Oz Cobb, takes place roughly a week after the events of The Batman, leaving the door open for Oz to claim the power vacuum left by Carmine Falcone’s demise. As Oz aims to assert his dominance, some of the city’s other villains, including Carmine’s daughter Sofia Falcone, won’t hesitate to challenge his authority.
Key Cast Members:
The Penguin series is set to premiere on September 19 on HBO and Max, offering fans a thrilling exploration of Oz’s character.
The Penguin, an upcoming HBO series, presents a unique opportunity to delve into the mind of Oswald “Oz” Cobblepott, Batman’s infamous adversary. While Oz may not be the strongest or most dangerous villain, his intellect and ruthlessness have taken him far in the Gotham City underworld.
The series, starring Colin Farrell as Oz Cobb, takes place roughly a week after the events of The Batman, leaving the door open for Oz to claim the power vacuum left by Carmine Falcone’s demise. As Oz aims to assert his dominance, some of the city’s other villains, including Carmine’s daughter Sofia Falcone, won’t hesitate to challenge his authority.
Key Cast Members:
The Penguin series is set to premiere on September 19 on HBO and Max, offering fans a thrilling exploration of Oz’s character.