Apple has been selling the same Apple Watch design for years, with minor updates. However, a rumored plastic Apple Watch SE might just be the thing to shake things up.
According to Mark Gurman’s Power On newsletter, the plastic Apple Watch SE is designed to be more kid-friendly, with a possible array of colors. This could be the most exciting Apple Watch update in years.
Imagine a Watch SE with bold color options, similar to the iMac or the purple iPhone 12. This could be a game-changer for the Apple Watch series. Some potential features that could make the Watch SE more appealing include:
Adding these features to the Watch SE could make it a more attractive option for those looking for a cheaper wearable.
The plastic Apple Watch SE has the potential to be the most exciting update to the Apple Watch series in years. With a more kid-friendly design and bold color options, it could be a game-changer for the wearable market.