Hugh Jackman’s impressive physique in the latest Deadpool and Wolverine movie left many fans amazed. As revealed in a recent social media post, it’s no secret that his team of trainers played a crucial role in his transformation. What may come as a surprise to many is the use of a special ingredient to give his skin a glistening appearance on camera – lube.
Jackman credits his team of eight people, including trainers and makeup artist Whitney, for their hard work in helping him achieve his goal. He also expresses gratitude towards Shawn Levy and Ryan Reynolds for being exceptional creatives who helped make the movie a success.
Contrary to what many may think, becoming Wolverine is more than just intense workouts and strict diets – it’s also about the fine details, and in this case, lube. It’s refreshing to see a Hollywood star acknowledging the hard work and dedication of the people behind the scenes.
Hugh Jackman’s impressive physique in the latest Deadpool and Wolverine movie left many fans amazed. As revealed in a recent social media post, it’s no secret that his team of trainers played a crucial role in his transformation. What may come as a surprise to many is the use of a special ingredient to give his skin a glistening appearance on camera – lube.
Jackman credits his team of eight people, including trainers and makeup artist Whitney, for their hard work in helping him achieve his goal. He also expresses gratitude towards Shawn Levy and Ryan Reynolds for being exceptional creatives who helped make the movie a success.
Contrary to what many may think, becoming Wolverine is more than just intense workouts and strict diets – it’s also about the fine details, and in this case, lube. It’s refreshing to see a Hollywood star acknowledging the hard work and dedication of the people behind the scenes.