After nearly a decade, the beloved turn-based strategy series, Heroes of Might & Magic, is making a comeback in 2025. This eighth mainline installment, titled Heroes of Might & Magic: Olden Era, is a prequel to the entire fantasy saga and will be released to coincide with the series’ 30th anniversary.
Olden Era promises to take players on a journey to Jadame, a mysterious continent in turmoil, where they will explore a non-linear campaign, build magnificent castles, raise massive armies, and clash in epic battles. The game features unique factions, biomes, and creatures, presented in a refreshed visual style that pays homage to the series’ magical beginnings.
Heroes of Might & Magic: Olden Era is set to arrive in Q
My Thoughts
After nearly a decade, the beloved turn-based strategy series, Heroes of Might & Magic, is making a comeback in 2025. This eighth mainline installment, titled Heroes of Might & Magic: Olden Era, is a prequel to the entire fantasy saga and will be released to coincide with the series’ 30th anniversary.
Olden Era promises to take players on a journey to Jadame, a mysterious continent in turmoil, where they will explore a non-linear campaign, build magnificent castles, raise massive armies, and clash in epic battles. The game features unique factions, biomes, and creatures, presented in a refreshed visual style that pays homage to the series’ magical beginnings.
Heroes of Might & Magic: Olden Era is set to arrive in Q