If you enjoyed Denis Villeneuve’s adaptations of Dune and want to spend more time in Arrakis, there’s an ongoing series of graphic novels that tells the story of Arrakis leading up to the original Dune novel/film. Adapted from the Prelude to Dune trilogy by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson, the graphic novel series from Boom Studios kicked off in 2021 and will soon come to a close with the final story arc centered on House Corrino.
The Prelude to Dune trilogy starts with House Atreides and is followed by House Harkonnen. Those two arcs are split across three volumes each, all of which are discounted in hardcover format at Amazon. House Corrino will be the shortest of the three adaptations at two volumes. The series leads directly into Frank Herbert’s original Dune novel, so if you want to learn more about the backgrounds of major houses featured in the films, the graphic novel series is certainly worth trying.
Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson also wrote a three-part graphic novel adaptation of the original Dune novel. The first two books are eligible for Amazon’s current B1G1 50% off books sale.
The Folio Society’s special hardcover editions of Frank Herbert’s original Dune trilogy are available for purchase. For a more affordable option, check out the Dune Saga 3-Book Deluxe Box Set for a discounted price.