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CoD Warzone Purgatory Island Event Challenges Rewards Guide

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CoD Warzone Purgatory Island Event Challenges Rewards Guide

Season 6 of Warzone brings Call of Duty’s annual The Haunting event, and the festivities include the Purgatory Island event for Rebirth Island’s limited-time sandbox mode. The Purgatory Island event is live from now until October 16. This event includes eight challenges exclusive to Warzone’s Purgatory LTM mode. Each challenge offers a new reward, and completing them all will unlock a final event reward: the Cloud Watching animated camo.

Purgatory Island Challenges and Rewards

Dead Guy Walking – Emblem

Challenge: Reach Torment level 2

The Purgatory mode for Rebirth Island features Torment levels, which is indicated by the skull meter shown under your minimap. You can raise this meter two ways: by eliminating other players or the NPCs found in the match, or by opening up the Scare Packages marked on the map with a yellow question mark. You need to reach level two and fill two skulls in your meter.

Kingdom’s Gate – Emblem

Challenge: Spend 5 minutes outside the safe zone without killing another operator

This challenge requires you to avoid entering those safe zone bubbles on the map and without killing any of your opponents. This is best completed by just sticking to the outskirts of the map and keeping a low profile to avoid gunfights.

Devil’s Favorite – Calling Card

More challenges and rewards will be covered below:

  • Complete all challenges to unlock the Cloud Watching animated camo
  • Use Terriballs to complete specific challenges
  • Fly Shipment to complete specific challenges
  • Raise your Torment level to complete specific challenges
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