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Do you know ancient Egyptians used water clocks to track time by measuring the flow of water into or out of a container

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Do you know ancient Egyptians used water clocks to track time by measuring the flow of water into or out of a container

Ancient Egyptians were ingenious timekeepers, utilizing water clocks to measure the passage of time with remarkable accuracy. These devices relied on the consistent flow of water, either into or out of a container, to mark the hours.

A typical water clock consisted of a vessel with a small, calibrated opening. As water dripped out or flowed in at a predetermined rate, its level inside the container would change.

Egyptians marked specific volume points on the container’s side to correspond to different hours or intervals. By observing the water level, they could accurately determine the time. Some water clocks even incorporated floats or rotating discs to further refine their measurements.

These ingenious water clocks played a vital role in daily life, shaping agricultural schedules, religious ceremonies, and the overall rhythm of ancient Egyptian society.

Before digital clocks dominated, time was kept using intricate mechanical devices.

Think of a unique and fascinating fact about an early timekeeping invention (excluding pendulums).

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